Pedicab Siantar already could almost be one of the main archaeological sites, because in accordance with Law Number 5 Year 1992, every relic of history at the age of 50 years can be declared cultural heritage and shall be protected by the government.
Cab DesignUnlike the cabin construction rickshaw usually made of wood with iron frame is because it uses a motor rickshaw Siantar large and able to run at high speeds, the cabin Siantar rickshaws should be made more robust. The cabin is made using a metal frame materials, metal body and in combination with a wood frame as is commonly used in automotive body of a car industry half a century ago.
CareTo treat the old motor as used in Siantar not easy because it requires special expertise caring for older motors, spare parts are not manufactured anymore and even factory no longer exists so that if necessary made in welding shops, lathe or by modifying the motor or car parts that can be used as a substitute. According Erizal [4] there are five workshops and two people who continue to preserve the rickshaw credited siantar.Bengkel Handayani, Syafii Leo's workshop, the workshop Rahayu, Mbah Sari's workshop, and workshop lathe Rohim property. The other two are a special workshop and a magneto BSA's Tikno Yadi's workshop in the area Karangsari.
"They-they is arguably no longer a garage worker, but the artist carved iron. How could I not, BSA was no longer producing homemade motorcycle spare parts for a long time. But in the hands of these people, BSA motorcycles can survive in Siantar"
Siantar rickshaw - Daw coolest in Indonesia
The bike is now a rare antique, English as a BSA motorcycle maker has only about 800 units, 400 units Australia, Firlandia 250 units, whereas in Pematangsiantar there are still about 1000 units.
Specifications (General)
The engine: 493cc, one-cylinder, 80x98 mm, water cooling
Capacity: up to 25HP @ 4800 rpm.
Box of transfers: three, and later four-stage manual
The main transfer: a circuit
The maximum speed: 116 km / h
In general, BSA motorcycles to Indonesia in transition Japanese troops to the Allies (Dutch-English). BSA and then spread to areas of the Dutch colonies, including the Siantar. But not many people know if the inclusion of BSA motorcycles in large numbers to Siantar it was not brought by the Dutch army.
When the colonists ran away from Indonesia, motors BSA lost its master. There was no spare parts and qualified technicians in Indonesia. The fate of BSA Motors also ended tragically. There are 'lying' in the warehouse or are stranded on the streets. BSA motorcycle junkyard so.
Usually the PARBECAK (call for abang2 rickshaw pullers in Siantar) can create their own parts for BSA motorcycles. With a little creativity, Kawasaki Binter disulaplah carburetor into the carburetor BSA. Also, do not be surprised to see the rim and an old motorcycle engine block is sleek like a motor output current year. His voice was frenzied, sometimes if passes in front of the house, TV broadcasting, too, tremble. Brum Brum .. .. thump ... thump ... thump ... Brum pletak ... (How pletak?) Yes, sometimes removing exhaust popping sound like a bamboo cannon. especially for the size of 500cc machines. Moreover, sometimes the brothers are rickshaws like fun BSA refuel it with kerosene instead of gasoline. Let the cheap! they said. Hehehe, no-nonsense.
In the 1980s, when the PSMS-prime field was victorious in the competition of the United PSSI, many supporters of Siantar flocked to the Stadium Field Example Pedicab ride this. This is incredible, considering the distance Siantar-field is 128 km. Come on, tricycles which have traveled that far? If rickshaws in Jogja to do it, could well gempor mengkayuhnya! Hehehehe ....
Rickshaw with an increasingly rare old motor that was the uniqueness that adorn Siantar City, about 128 kilometers south of Medan, North Sumatra.
In addition to the rare, the average age of the motor has reached 60 years. Motor which currently numbers around 400 units was made in 1941, 1948, 1952, and a more "brand" made in 1956.
Scarcity that makes spare parts are no longer sold in the market. Maintenance is also becoming difficult. Scarcity that just made BSA motorcycle becomes an interesting collectibles and expensive.
Pedicab Siantar originally shaped like a boat, like a machine in the field right now pedicab. Form of the passenger seat located on the left foot for two people, just made of tarpaulin. On the right and left sides were given an iron buffer and can be folded, placed next to the seat cover as a barrier seepage soil or mud. In the rear seat is provided a small tub fenced metal plate, serves to place the luggage of passengers
Although many parts are not original anymore, typical of BSA motorcycles still visible. For example, a tank containing 12 liters engine with BSA logo, handlebar berkrom, speedometer BSA, alloy wheels, round headlights, and front and rear wings.
Appearance of motor tricycles BSA did look fierce. It's outside. However, passengers who ride in them feel comfortable because of spring motors are so strong but gentle. Passengers will feel like sitting in a rocking chair. Only my ears are probably a little disturbed by the sound of its engine hard and round, wailing. The sound engine is also from the pristine BSA motor rickshaw.
BSA is an acronym for The Birmingham Small Arms Company. The company was originally founded to supply the British armed forces during the Crimean War (1853-1856). After the war, BSA continued to develop its products. During World War II, BSA became one of the main suppliers of military vehicles for the British army. At that time, they produced 126,000 motorcycles type M20 500 cc engine capacity. Motorcycle first manufactured in 1941 is what brought the Allies to participate Siantar pascapendudukan Japan in Indonesia. Product Siantar BSA in fact not only held the allies, but also private employers in the plantation owners around the city until the former administrator of the Dutch East Indies government.
After the departure of allies and nationalization of foreign companies in Indonesia, hundreds of BSA motorcycles in Siantar abandoned, including those of British soldiers. Some planters Netherlands and other European kindly gave it to the natives their former employees.
BSA motorcycle history will not change if there is no reward Siahaan bring ideas from Medan engine rickshaws as a means of transportation in addition to sado Siantar in 1956. At that time, Pahala brings motorized rickshaws KK brand motorcycles made in Germany. What do Pahala Siantar followed some other people.
According Kartiman (67) or commonly known as Mbah Lanang, topographic City Siantar hilly require motorcycle rickshaws pulled a large-capacity machines. Situated on a ridge, about 45 kilometers from Lake Toba, Siantar City's streets up and down.
Most Suitable
In the late 1950s, after seeing the number of motorcycle wrecks BSA unused in various corners of the city, residents began to think to use it as a rickshaw puller machine. "Initially about 20 to 30 people, some of whom are veteran freedom fighter. They get together, talking about the possibility of utilizing a motorcycle rickshaw to be relics of war," said Mbah Lanang.
Not only BSA, but the old motorcycle other fashion, such as Norton, Triumph, BMW, to Harley Davidson, also exist. The pioneers rickshaw Siantar, such as Lanang Mbah Mbah Sari, Mohammed Rohim, and Tikno, tried every kind of bike is to be a rickshaw. Experiments over the past two years (1858-1959) came to the conclusion, BSA was the most suitable.
"Norton is actually too strong for the field like this Siantar City. However, Norton baseball about fuel efficient," said Mbah Lanang.
In addition to saving fuel, according to Chairman of the BSA Owner Siantar Motocycles (BOM'S)-organizations that facilitate the rickshaw driver, Kusma Erizal Siantar Ginting, BSA spares very easily imitated. BSA also can receive parts from other motorcycles. "For instance carburetor, the carburetor got RX BSA can be replaced or Honda CB King," he said.
Efficient in terms of spare parts becomes very important because the BSA factory had been closed since 1972 and no longer in production, along with a big fire that hit their factory.
Mbah Lanang said, the success of the pioneers operate a pedicab Siantar BSA motorcycle moving back Siantar residents looking for a motorcycle to the various regions. The goal is only one, made by rickshaw. "Incidentally, I used to work at a motorcycle repair shop, so know how it works BSA," said Muhammad Rohim (67).
The success of these pioneers really inspired Siantar City residents to seek up BSA motorcycle to various corners of the country. "All have visited, in North Sumatra, almost all the areas I've been to to look for BSA. Starting from Medan, Asahan, Deli Serdang, until Rantau Prapat. Once in North Sumatra all the BSA has run out, we look up to Riau. About the year 1980 we started looking up to the outer island of Sumatra, from Java to Sulawesi, "said Mbah Lanang.
Until the end during the period 1980-1990 in Siantar there are about 2,000 units motorized rickshaw BSA. "Maybe we were the only city in the world who still operates the BSA motorcycles in large numbers," said Erizal.
According to other Siantar rickshaw driver, Ahmad Syafii, once every week, they always plan a cruise to Disneyland with the family's flagship vehicle, walking up. Can be said to be a rickshaw puller Siantar a promising job. Even children can be educated up to university level tinggi.Keberhasilan Siantar rickshaw puller was supported by the work of mechanics and shop owners who may be considered as the maestro for the affairs of BSA motorcycles.
In Siantar, according Erizal, there are five workshops and two people who continue to preserve the rickshaw credited siantar.Bengkel Handayani, Syafii Leo's workshop, the workshop Rahayu, Mbah Sari's workshop, and workshop lathe Rohim property. The other two are a special workshop and a magneto BSA's Tikno Yadi's workshop in the area Karangsari. "They-they is arguably no longer a garage worker, but the artist carved iron. How could I not, BSA was no longer producing homemade motorcycle spare parts for a long time. But in the hands of these people, BSA motorcycles survive in Siantar," said Erizal.
However, over time the success of the motorcycle Siantar preserve old relics of the war this would create a lot of people interested in hunting the BSA here. Begin arriving from outside the city collector to collector Siantar from abroad, such as Malaysia, Singapore, and Australia.
"In the past we've brought 50 BSA former British army in Singapore. Now they are turning instead to a BSA hunting here," said Erizal. Of the approximately 2,000 units of BSA in the 1990s, now, according to Erizal, who left his city residence at 850 units. Approximately 600 units of which are operated as a rickshaw engine.
According Erizal, not much action Siantar City Government faces the loss of hundreds of old motorcycles from their city. Even if there are individual in nature only the head region. "Many foreigners are looking for BSA here. They bought it from start to Rp 1 million to Rp 50 million. Even if there are untreated it costs around Rp 25 million and Rp 100 million," he said.
Erizal judge, tricycles Siantar no longer just a passenger car in the city located on this ridge, but to witness the history of the city and has become an icon Siantar. "If there is someone out to talk about this city, to be sure that they know is a pedicab," said Erizal.
Now, if you want to enjoy the rest of the vehicle while enjoying the beauty of WWII Siantar City, before continuing the trip to Disneyland, you can enjoy a rickshaw ride Siantar.
This is not the story of a la Renegade USA. But, the story of nostalgia Siantar rickshaw.
"Now is not his time anymore," Nasution said, one of the owners of rickshaws Siantar once lamented. "If the first bisalah. Afternoon hangout at the intersection, until the afternoon tour and bring home money to bloat the kitchen. "
"Pedicab Siantar" who had become an icon and now fall into poverty again (Jamila) was started diomelinya. "It's been two years we were lazy," he said, pointing rickshaw that was sleeping in front of his house.
Because the rickshaw-pedicab was no longer able to survive and compete with the extravagance and slowness. Far behind with a rate of public transportation is cheaper, faster and not noisy.
Intention Langgiu, chairman of the organization Gabemas (Combined Daw Siantar) to "unify" the voice to rejuvenate the rickshaw-pedicab that was apparently ignored Nasution. "Where there may be a foster father to help," he said.
The city is more crowded. Nevertheless, this fact does not bode well for those with big three-wheeled vehicles are often hung along the side of the terraced shophouses along the highway.
That said, the rickshaw is often touted as the icon of Pematangsintar it had triumphed in the 1970's with no small amount anyway. Brand diverse ranging from BSA, Norton, Triumph and Ariel (not vocalist Peter Pan, loh)
Langgiu continue. "I can honestly say, if not supported by other business, rickshaw was going to die. Luckily some pedicab brother still has a good wife, who sell at markets. Rickshaw was then used as well as a personal transport. But if you want a profit, do not haraplah. "
If any one wants to ride tricycles, they just want to repeat the nostalgia for the days of glory first. It was formerly trendy rickshaw out. So many hot afternoon was a sleepy brother rickshaw become lazy, Langgiu said.
Durian Waiting for Fall
In the beginning was this big motor is the personal vehicles of the Dutch masters first, but over time the motor is carried off from England in the decade 1940 to 1950 was it turned into a rickshaw.
The number is now about 400-an appropriate data collection undertaken despite CV. Gabemas, in 1970-80s the number ranges 1500's.
"Nihilnya inventory of spare parts make this pedicab had mounted. Indeed, some still survive, that's because there are still workshops that still have the ability to handle it. The trick with a lathe and welding the old parts and put back, "said Langgiu.
"Since fuel up the number of passengers was reduced, the result was not enough to mengepuli smoke in the kitchen," says Bodin Nasution (55) are already tens of pull rickshaws.
It is also experienced Sugito GP (55), Suwarno (50), Rusli Nasution (50), and some pedicab brother who often hung the intersection of Jalan Kartini's three. "Luckily there wrote a side income. My wife traded in the market, "said Sugito.
As a result they were not reluctant to sell pedicab "But the only collector of old motorcycle lovers who want to buy it," said Langgiu. A buyer was ever bought da pedicab Rp 15 million to Rp 10 million. But lately rare. "Until when expecting a windfall?" He said.
That afternoon, two men approached them. But, they seem mediocre. "It must offer low-cost," said one of them. And haggling ensued. "Passengers now been spoiled," he said after the transaction failed and the two men went away. That afternoon they returned to enjoy the afternoon, lazing.
"Now is not his time anymore," Nasution said, one of the owners of rickshaws Siantar once lamented. "If the first bisalah. Afternoon hangout at the intersection, until the afternoon tour and bring home money to bloat the kitchen. "
"Pedicab Siantar" who had become an icon and now fall into poverty again (Jamila) was started diomelinya. "It's been two years we were lazy," he said, pointing rickshaw that was sleeping in front of his house.
Because the rickshaw-pedicab was no longer able to survive and compete with the extravagance and slowness. Far behind with a rate of public transportation is cheaper, faster and not noisy.
Intention Langgiu, chairman of the organization Gabemas (Combined Daw Siantar) to "unify" the voice to rejuvenate the rickshaw-pedicab that was apparently ignored Nasution. "Where there may be a foster father to help," he said.
The city is more crowded. Nevertheless, this fact does not bode well for those with big three-wheeled vehicles are often hung along the side of the terraced shophouses along the highway.
That said, the rickshaw is often touted as the icon of Pematangsintar it had triumphed in the 1970's with no small amount anyway. Brand diverse ranging from BSA, Norton, Triumph and Ariel (not vocalist Peter Pan, loh)
Langgiu continue. "I can honestly say, if not supported by other business, rickshaw was going to die. Luckily some pedicab brother still has a good wife, who sell at markets. Rickshaw was then used as well as a personal transport. But if you want a profit, do not haraplah. "
If any one wants to ride tricycles, they just want to repeat the nostalgia for the days of glory first. It was formerly trendy rickshaw out. So many hot afternoon was a sleepy brother rickshaw become lazy, Langgiu said.
Durian Waiting for Fall
In the beginning was this big motor is the personal vehicles of the Dutch masters first, but over time the motor is carried off from England in the decade 1940 to 1950 was it turned into a rickshaw.
The number is now about 400-an appropriate data collection undertaken despite CV. Gabemas, in 1970-80s the number ranges 1500's.
"Nihilnya inventory of spare parts make this pedicab had mounted. Indeed, some still survive, that's because there are still workshops that still have the ability to handle it. The trick with a lathe and welding the old parts and put back, "said Langgiu.
"Since fuel up the number of passengers was reduced, the result was not enough to mengepuli smoke in the kitchen," says Bodin Nasution (55) are already tens of pull rickshaws.
It is also experienced Sugito GP (55), Suwarno (50), Rusli Nasution (50), and some pedicab brother who often hung the intersection of Jalan Kartini's three. "Luckily there wrote a side income. My wife traded in the market, "said Sugito.
As a result they were not reluctant to sell pedicab "But the only collector of old motorcycle lovers who want to buy it," said Langgiu. A buyer was ever bought da pedicab Rp 15 million to Rp 10 million. But lately rare. "Until when expecting a windfall?" He said.
That afternoon, two men approached them. But, they seem mediocre. "It must offer low-cost," said one of them. And haggling ensued. "Passengers now been spoiled," he said after the transaction failed and the two men went away. That afternoon they returned to enjoy the afternoon, lazing.