Tuesday, November 29, 2011


"Lake Toba is the largest of God's grace to the Nation Batak in particular and Indonesia, which serves as a symbol, pride, reminders, unifying to be enjoyed, preserved and cared for and is part of the promised land."
Toba Lake
The lake is a large basin in the earth's surface is flooded by water can be fresh or salted whole basin is surrounded by land. The formation of a lake can be caused by several factors such as, Lake Tectonics, Vulkanilk Lake, Lake Tektovulkanik, Natural Dam Lake, Lake karst, glacial lakes and Artificial Lake. Many countries in the region even as the world famous Finnish lake known as the "Land of Thousand Lakes", Minnesota is known as the "Land of Ten Thousand Lakes" and North America (Canada) approximately 60% of lakes in the world is located there.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Siantar rickshaw - One of Archaeological Sites

Siantar different pedicab rickshaw-pedicab in Indonesia has a specific other. Rickshaws in Java generally pulled by humans while Siantar rickshaw pulled by a motorcycle. Although the motor rickshaw betor alias also exists in several other cities, motor tricycles Siantar still have advantages. Siantar rickshaw are superior because of an old motorcycle pulled engined 350 CC to 500 CC of which the most widely used Birmingham Small Arms (BSA) is a type of British-made motorcycle that was originally created for the vehicles of war, in addition to other motors are also used such as Norton, Triumph, BMW, to Harley Davidson, also exist. The average age of the motor has reached 60 years. Motor which currently numbers around 400 units was made in 1941, 1948, 1952, and a more "brand" made in 1956.
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