Today is the birthday of human rights around the world, which is celebrated around the world, today announced that the United Nations celebrates Human Rights as a warning against human rights as the foundation that has been owned since the beginning in the womb as the right to life, right to education , the right to live together like other people, the right to equal treatment, right to work, and for the right to profess belief. Celebrating the World of Human Rights is not only based on the Declaration of Independence of the United States but also in the Republic of Indonesia embodied in Pancasila and 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, as in
Article 27 paragraph 1 and 2:
1. All citizens shall be equal before the law and government and must uphold the law and the government without any exception.
2. Every citizen has the right to work and live in human dignity
Article 28:
"Freedom of association and assembly, remove the mind with the spoken and written and set forth by law"
Article 29 Paragraph 2:
"The State guarantees the independence of each resident to embrace their religion and to worship according to his religion or belief."
Article 30 paragraph 1:
"Every citizen has the right and duty to participate in the defense effort of the State"
Article 31, paragraph 1:
"Every citizen is entitled to teaching '
Article 33 paragraph 3:
"The earth and water and natural resources contained therein is controlled by the state and used for the greatest prosperity of the people."
North Sumatra is an area that rarely any human rights violations in the form of tribe, Race and Religion or belief that North Sumatra Bonapasogit or ancestral origin Batak people, is a barometer of Indonesia in terms of safety and tolerance of ethnic, religion and race.
PT. Toba Pulp Lestari |
However, when examined from cases in North Sumatra violations of Human Rights can be seen from the basic 1945 Act is often violated Article 27 paragraph 2 and Article 33, paragraph 3, as in cases of indigenous community land invasions, denial existence of PT . Toba Pulp Lestari in district Toba Samosir northern Sumatra which resulted in endless forests as catchment lake toba. PT. Toba Pulp Lestari is also rumored to have no waste treatment well so often raises the unpleasant smell, diseases such as skin irritation, damage to agriculture and that not only was the company that also does not help improve the standard of living (prosperity) society which the average farmer. Many issues posed by PT. Toba Pulp Lestari (TPL) on the community Bonapasogit caused community resistance (, but until now the existence of TPL still exist in the District Tobasa Indonesia, PT.TPL is one form of state capitalism and neo-liberalism which not side with the people and not take sides on the environment, PT. TPL is only beneficial for entrepreneurs and corrupt government.
Reject PT. TPL is a form of community resistance in bonapasogit northern Sumatra, there are many more cases up until now continue to receive such public resistance in Mandailing Natal regency society demands Rescue Batang Gadis National Park status (http://www.thepetitionsite. com/1/petisi-menyelamatkan-status-taman-nasional-batang-gadis /), Reject PT Dairi Prima Mineral Mining in Protected Forest Area, Parongil, Dairi and many more cases of indigenous community land annexation. Indonesia where people are still thick on the customs and greatly appreciate his ancestors ( should be the attention of governments and investors in starting a business, so that the symbiotic relationship mutualism can occur. Government policies or investor in placing a business in the region should give priority to the environment and the rights of his people, so do not get the resistance of society and human rights violations did not occur.
.by A Letter from Parhuta-huta who still learning English.